Online Dating Coach Chico California

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Your Dating Experience in Los Angeles

Free Dating In Chico, CA - Chico Singles In California. Welcome to! Meet dating singles in Chico, CA and areas nearby (50 miles). View and chat with local dating profiles and personals on our 100% free Chico dating site or use the links below to view nearby single men and women elsewhere in California. Tracey Steinberg is the 'Dateologist.' A coach and flirting expert, Steinberg hosts her own call-in live television show in New York City called 'Dating Help 911!' She offers a hodgepodge of coaching services, including one-on-one dating, expert emergency help sessions, dating and relationship classes and flirting parties.

Your dat­ing expe­ri­ence in Los Ange­les can be a jour­ney of fun, self- dis­cov­ery, and con­nec­tion. Your rela­tion­ship in Los Ange­les can ignite, flour­ish, thrive and grow ever more intimate.Your life in Los Ange­les can offer the con­tin­u­ing won­der of per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al achieve­ment.

Flirt­ing skills can be mas­tered.

It's with­in your reach to shift atti­tudes about dat­ing and devel­op­ing rela­tion­ships and make both fun and full of won­der. Are you ready to make it hap­pen?

Sal­ly Lan­dau is a cer­ti­fied life coach, rela­tion­ship coach and dat­ing coach prac­tic­ing in Los Ange­les. She likes to call her­self your dat­ing and rela­tion­ship men­tor. She's been coach­ing in Los Ange­les for almost ten years. She has a B.A. in psy­chol­o­gy, has tak­en hun­dreds of hours of train­ing in coach­ing and self improve­ment cours­es and is ded­i­cat­ed to guid­ing you down the path to a more lov­ing, more suc­cess­ful, more sat­is­fy­ing life.

Your Relationship Coach in Los Angeles

As your dat­ing coach and rela­tion­ship coach, Sal­ly is pas­sion­ate about help­ing you nav­i­gate all phas­es of dat­ing and through the chal­lenges of devel­op­ing a grat­i­fy­ing, mean­ing­ful and fun rela­tion­ship. Some­times that can begin with hav­ing a bet­ter rela­tion­ship with your­self. That means real­ly appre­ci­at­ing your strengths, under­stand­ing your chal­lenges and not allow­ing them to define you.

In the devel­op­ment of all rela­tion­ships, it's impor­tant to rec­og­nize your bound­aries, when they are being crossed and find­ing con­struc­tive ways to express your feel­ings. Sal­ly coach­es you to tune into your bound­ary anten­nae and helps you find ways with humor and affec­tion to com­mu­ni­cate your needs.

Draw­ing from her deep under­stand­ing of human nature, her life coach­ing approach is sen­si­tive, warm and often humor­ous.

With Sally's help as rela­tion­ship coach, you view the past – and future – with new eyes and an open heart. The result? A present where you see your­self as irre­sistible – a pow­er­ful mag­net that attracts the part­ner of your dreams.

About Sally

Sal­ly Lan­dau is a Cal­i­for­nia-based dat­ing coach and rela­tion­ship expert. In the pan­theon of pro­fes­sions, it may lag behind heart sur­geon, cli­mate sci­en­tist, or inner city school teacher, nev­er­the­less, her sage coach­ing ele­vates dat­ing and romance to its right­ful place: mys­te­ri­ous, excit­ing, and essen­tial.

Hav­ing cho­sen to have a hap­py life, majored in psy­chol­o­gy, co-man­aged a pres­ti­gious archi­tec­tur­al firm for many years, endured more self-help sem­i­nars than a sane, adjust­ed per­son would ever admit, and since 2001, has been a cer­ti­fied life coach, Sal­ly is expert­ly posi­tioned to extend her trained hand to women over forty who hate to date and want a mate.

Quick-wit­ted, fun­ny, some­times acer­bic but always car­ing, the whin­ing-inclined might want to tread care­ful­ly. Sal­ly instructs, she coach­es, she inspires, she directs; and in her trea­sured reflec­tive moments, she blogs. She is also writ­ing her sec­ond book. Dat­ing Can Be Fun is her com­pa­ny name and up until 2003, it was her guid­ing mantra. Sal­ly went on forty-six first dates in six months with a wide array of qual­i­ty men, and con­trary to the avalanche of dread­ful and life sap­ping dat­ing sto­ries she had heard about and part­ly expect­ed, she had a ball.

Knowing How to Date
Means Knowing How to Create
a Lasting Relationship

Relationship Coaching

Imag­ine you could end the suf­fer­ing that comes from lack of con­nec­tion and love. Imag­ine hav­ing untold love for your­self, for your part­ner, and from your part­ner in a last­ing rela­tion­ship.

When coach­ing peo­ple in rela­tion­ships, Sal­ly helps you look at your union from three per­spec­tives: you, your part­ner, and the rela­tion­ship itself. She believes and has proven that even one per­son can change the dynam­ics in a rela­tion­ship. The key is they have to want to do the work.

Dating Coaching

Any rela­tion­ship coach in Los Ange­les has heard it before, and so have you – In Los Ange­les it is dif­fi­cult, if not impos­si­ble, to date suc­cess­ful­ly. All the good ones are tak­en. I meet only creeps. The men I meet are imma­ture or untrust­wor­thy or flakes. Meet­ing is hard. Choos­ing is hard. Dat­ing is hard. Cou­pling is hard. Stay­ing togeth­er with the hope of build­ing a great rela­tion­ship is even hard­er.

Sal­ly Lan­dau is a rela­tion­ship and dat­ing coach in Los Ange­les who knows dif­fer­ent­ly. She has proven in her own life, and can prove to you that you can find the love you seek in Los Ange­les, or any­where.

'I've known Sal­ly Lan­dau for a few years now, and she is such a love­ly woman, live­ly, charis­mat­ic, friend­ly, like­able, moti­vat­ing, gen­uine. Dat­ing in L.A. is BRUTAL to say the least and unless you have the right skills to find the part­ner best suit­ed for you, you could be in for quite a ride. That is where Sal­ly comes in. She is a pro­fes­sion­al and an excel­lent one, too. If you like to have a coach help you dis­cov­er 'your date with fate,' she would be a great per­son to have in your cor­ner.'

'Sal­ly is an absolute mar­vel in the field of rela­tion­ships and dat­ing. I wit­nessed her incred­i­ble insights and exper­tise first­hand at a recent work­shop, and can give glow­ing tes­ti­mo­ny to the impact she had on those who sought her advice. With laser-like pre­ci­sion and com­pas­sion that is sec­ond-to-none, peo­ple were tak­en gen­tly but deci­sive­ly to high­er lev­els of roman­tic self-expres­sion. If you feel stuck or over­whelmed with ANY rela­tion­ship issue, I rec­om­mend you seek coach­ing from Sal­ly — pron­to!'

'When I first met Sal­ly Lan­dau, I thought ‘dat­ing coach? Huh? Why would ANY­one need that?' And then I had my first ses­sion, and I was hooked. She's insight­ful, wit­ty and present. I nev­er thought I'd be admit­ting this, but not only is there much to learn from Sal­ly about dat­ing and rela­tion­ships, she actu­al­ly made me real­ize it can be fun!'

Enter­ing the world of online dat­ing and rela­tion­ships can be hard and con­fus­ing and scary … Let me help guide you

Welcome to! Meet dating singles in Chico, CA and areas nearby (50 miles). View and chat with local dating profiles and personals on our 100% free Chico dating site or use the links below to view nearby single men and women elsewhere in California. is a 100% free online dating site. Register for a free account, signup only takes seconds!
Click here to sign up!

Welcome! Are you single in Chico? Try us out, we are a 100% free dating site in Chico. We are not a paid dating site, so you have nothing to lose. We have fun features for singles, including forums, live chat, video chat, games, dating guides and more.

, United States
I live in Chico and I'm newly single and looking to have fun and hangout with new people. I love all kinds of music I have a really good job and I love anything to do with Outdoors but I also like sta..

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Busy man wanting to find some fun in this crazy town. I enjoy herb, a sense of humor, outdoors, indoors and everything in between. Educated without being a know it all. I like space, warmth and kinkie..
Chicomanlooking 47

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I guess k could say im a philosophical nerd lol idk iv benmen search for me but idk wtf im talkin about i had a master thibgs gappened now m lost just wanting to b idk id like to just feel sonething a..
Sissynimbus 26

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I Stay up on the news.It's sad times for America. I enjoy barbecues and fellowship times with men friends. Enjoy the river,was raised fishing. I do restaurants alot. Some TV programs I enjoy. I'm simp..
Jimcyn 61

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Hello there, and thank you for reading my page..I do not feel it is wise, or fun, or productive to live alone, so I want an attractive, mobile, sexy girlfriend to experience activities, trips, ni..
Opportunityadventure 69

Last Login: 2 months ago
, United States
Hey looking for kind, caring, patient mature man to get to know & see if it's meant to go further (serious relationship) I love children, all of mine are grown & moved out so if you have kids it's a ..
DabbinSweetie 49

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I work full time in the medical field in a pretty serious job so when I'm home or out I wanna have fun!! I date occasionally but I'm in no position to make a commitment to anyone at this point in ..
Sabrina7272 41

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I am a transgender female who is a kind, sweet person. I want to make sure I am honest with everyone from the start. I am looking for some chat and getting to know other people. I'm looking for someth..

Online Dating Coach Chico California Today

Samantha125 46

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Sexy open minded couple looking for some exciting f*ck friend to explore new kinky adventures keeping our sex life spiced with a curious play with others who aren't shy to try something new cause we o..
Cokloversn530 39

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm a good looking guy who just wants to have some fun I'm open-minded. I have a good sense of humor I like to laugh and make others laugh as well. I'll try almost anything once. I like riding motorcy..
Sidetrac23 32

Last Login: 1 month ago
East Gridley
, United States
Okay so about me. Hard working i love my job but i work A LOT. traveling 4 to 5 days a week i dont have a ton of free time, makes it hard to meet new people. I have been single now for about 8 month..
PrtyNyourPanties 43

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I was raised by a religious folks i have a good grip on reality values and I have faith I love smiling and being friendly I have been very blessed in the love friendship companions I know to be ..
markresare 61

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
What up everyone I'm here to make new friends aAnd have a good time with all of You like the outdoors as much as I do good hit me up sometime. Blah blah blah blah I don't need to go to words in he..
Dusty 38

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Just a normal guy from nor cal looking for some fun or maybe more depending on how we jive together so hit me up I'm easy to get along with so don't be shy I like the outdoors and all that but open fo..
dusty422 37

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I am a gentle person, but at times passion rules. I love the female body,mind and heart to explore. I am into Crafts, British motorcycles, powwows, walking on the sea shore with possibilty of on a moo..
Califhorney247 55

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Lady's I'm a fun guy I like to hangout have some fun I like to go for walks an travel I also like to stay at home an cuddle an spoil woman so any questions you might have just ask so but anyone just t..
Dave2882 49

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I ain't no weather man but you can expect more then a few inches.gootimes love to laugh. Travel everywhere. Love the mountains n hotels. I don't know what to put when it says 200 characters about ..
Pineapple2386 35

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
old dirt track racer still involved in stock racing. will do it till it is no longer fun (probably when they throw the dirt on me) i am spontaneous, one woman man, loyal, trusting to a fault, wh..
hiwaytow1 72

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Lately I've had a curiosity about what it would be like to make love to another man. I'm finding the thought a turn on. I'm not really to sure how to go about it. I'm open to try anything that doesn't..
Swabbybob 65

Last Login: 2 months ago
, United States
Ok 200 words? I think im a semi normal old guy looking for a good friend. Im not picky ! Just one old woman will do it for me. I am an active person with many interests, traveling, fishing, motorcyc..
Flowmaster 67

Last Login: 3+ months ago
South Yuba City
, United States
I an half Cherokee and half Sicilian,it makes things tough sometimes because one side loves unconditional the other side loves you until you blow it one time,that's it,I give everyone a chance judge n..
Luuuvz2Luuuv69 44

Last Login: 3+ months ago
South Yuba City
, United States
Hey I love romance holding hands im hard working fun loving willing to try many different things. I'm caring romantic and protective. I love making my special girl feel happy. Love cooking fishing mu..
nealo1 50

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I don't know why this is required it's kind of stupid to me. If I give you all the information about me here then we don't have nothing to talk about later so if you want to know more about me just as..
4realWomenOnly 37

Online Dating Coach Chico California Real Estate

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Yuba City
, United States
I enjoy going to the gym whenever I can, other than that I'm either playing videogames working on my car or with my brother and friends. I always try to spread positive vibes and make people laugh and..
Mcblakeyzz 23

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Yuba City
, United States
I'm very adventurous. Like being out hanging out going shopping. Very athletic person who like to watch sports i like watching basketball soccer and football. I like listening to different types of ..
Tbz_fracko 24

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Red Bluff
, United States
Me and my man are wanting to experience and were loking for a woman thats just looking to have some fun. Must be clean. 😜 We are super chill people we drink some times super laid back and just look..
Babygirl690 24

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm very active enjoy mountain biking, skiing boating,camping, traveling to new places, cruises. Enjoy all music , movies and sports. I'm loving ,honest , very affectionate and committed. I own ..
Chrisnorcal 56

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Just a regular dude, looking for people to hang out with me and my boyfriend. Nothing complicated though. I'm pretty drama free. He's an drama queen. I like to travel see things I've never seen, he li..
Chickencoop 42

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm a city boy that moved to the country 6 yrs. Ago. and love it. BEFORE YOU CLICK OFF know that I'm honest and faithful My days are pretty laid back. I'm retired and love to restore old cars. Cookin..
PJ 58

Last Login: 1 week ago
, United States
Donniedoit 51

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Just looking for someone to hang out with maybe go out to dinner and a movie coffee or drinks maybe Netflix and chill and I don't know what else to say!! ! I hate filling out these stupid things....
Hvman81 39

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm masculine, cool, fun, easy going, outgoing and spontaneous. I'd like to meet a guy who I can spend time getting to know, do fun activities with and see where it goes from there, one step at a time..
Eclectic 41

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Grass Valley
, United States
Love the outdoors, going to the river, 420 friendly, love to make people laugh. I have Tattoos, and open to new experiencing new things. Might be getting older lol, but young at heart, love to play..
Bobd72 48

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Grass Valley
, United States
40 yrs old single guy with great sense of humor and huge c*ck. Wanting to find a sexy girl or girls to hang out with and make memories. Or movies if your down?! f*ck pretty much down for anything that..
Jamie530 42

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States

Your dat­ing expe­ri­ence in Los Ange­les can be a jour­ney of fun, self- dis­cov­ery, and con­nec­tion. Your rela­tion­ship in Los Ange­les can ignite, flour­ish, thrive and grow ever more intimate.Your life in Los Ange­les can offer the con­tin­u­ing won­der of per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al achieve­ment.

Flirt­ing skills can be mas­tered.

It's with­in your reach to shift atti­tudes about dat­ing and devel­op­ing rela­tion­ships and make both fun and full of won­der. Are you ready to make it hap­pen?

Sal­ly Lan­dau is a cer­ti­fied life coach, rela­tion­ship coach and dat­ing coach prac­tic­ing in Los Ange­les. She likes to call her­self your dat­ing and rela­tion­ship men­tor. She's been coach­ing in Los Ange­les for almost ten years. She has a B.A. in psy­chol­o­gy, has tak­en hun­dreds of hours of train­ing in coach­ing and self improve­ment cours­es and is ded­i­cat­ed to guid­ing you down the path to a more lov­ing, more suc­cess­ful, more sat­is­fy­ing life.

Your Relationship Coach in Los Angeles

As your dat­ing coach and rela­tion­ship coach, Sal­ly is pas­sion­ate about help­ing you nav­i­gate all phas­es of dat­ing and through the chal­lenges of devel­op­ing a grat­i­fy­ing, mean­ing­ful and fun rela­tion­ship. Some­times that can begin with hav­ing a bet­ter rela­tion­ship with your­self. That means real­ly appre­ci­at­ing your strengths, under­stand­ing your chal­lenges and not allow­ing them to define you.

In the devel­op­ment of all rela­tion­ships, it's impor­tant to rec­og­nize your bound­aries, when they are being crossed and find­ing con­struc­tive ways to express your feel­ings. Sal­ly coach­es you to tune into your bound­ary anten­nae and helps you find ways with humor and affec­tion to com­mu­ni­cate your needs.

Draw­ing from her deep under­stand­ing of human nature, her life coach­ing approach is sen­si­tive, warm and often humor­ous.

With Sally's help as rela­tion­ship coach, you view the past – and future – with new eyes and an open heart. The result? A present where you see your­self as irre­sistible – a pow­er­ful mag­net that attracts the part­ner of your dreams.

About Sally

Sal­ly Lan­dau is a Cal­i­for­nia-based dat­ing coach and rela­tion­ship expert. In the pan­theon of pro­fes­sions, it may lag behind heart sur­geon, cli­mate sci­en­tist, or inner city school teacher, nev­er­the­less, her sage coach­ing ele­vates dat­ing and romance to its right­ful place: mys­te­ri­ous, excit­ing, and essen­tial.

Hav­ing cho­sen to have a hap­py life, majored in psy­chol­o­gy, co-man­aged a pres­ti­gious archi­tec­tur­al firm for many years, endured more self-help sem­i­nars than a sane, adjust­ed per­son would ever admit, and since 2001, has been a cer­ti­fied life coach, Sal­ly is expert­ly posi­tioned to extend her trained hand to women over forty who hate to date and want a mate.

Quick-wit­ted, fun­ny, some­times acer­bic but always car­ing, the whin­ing-inclined might want to tread care­ful­ly. Sal­ly instructs, she coach­es, she inspires, she directs; and in her trea­sured reflec­tive moments, she blogs. She is also writ­ing her sec­ond book. Dat­ing Can Be Fun is her com­pa­ny name and up until 2003, it was her guid­ing mantra. Sal­ly went on forty-six first dates in six months with a wide array of qual­i­ty men, and con­trary to the avalanche of dread­ful and life sap­ping dat­ing sto­ries she had heard about and part­ly expect­ed, she had a ball.

Knowing How to Date
Means Knowing How to Create
a Lasting Relationship

Relationship Coaching

Imag­ine you could end the suf­fer­ing that comes from lack of con­nec­tion and love. Imag­ine hav­ing untold love for your­self, for your part­ner, and from your part­ner in a last­ing rela­tion­ship.

When coach­ing peo­ple in rela­tion­ships, Sal­ly helps you look at your union from three per­spec­tives: you, your part­ner, and the rela­tion­ship itself. She believes and has proven that even one per­son can change the dynam­ics in a rela­tion­ship. The key is they have to want to do the work.

Dating Coaching

Any rela­tion­ship coach in Los Ange­les has heard it before, and so have you – In Los Ange­les it is dif­fi­cult, if not impos­si­ble, to date suc­cess­ful­ly. All the good ones are tak­en. I meet only creeps. The men I meet are imma­ture or untrust­wor­thy or flakes. Meet­ing is hard. Choos­ing is hard. Dat­ing is hard. Cou­pling is hard. Stay­ing togeth­er with the hope of build­ing a great rela­tion­ship is even hard­er.

Sal­ly Lan­dau is a rela­tion­ship and dat­ing coach in Los Ange­les who knows dif­fer­ent­ly. She has proven in her own life, and can prove to you that you can find the love you seek in Los Ange­les, or any­where.

'I've known Sal­ly Lan­dau for a few years now, and she is such a love­ly woman, live­ly, charis­mat­ic, friend­ly, like­able, moti­vat­ing, gen­uine. Dat­ing in L.A. is BRUTAL to say the least and unless you have the right skills to find the part­ner best suit­ed for you, you could be in for quite a ride. That is where Sal­ly comes in. She is a pro­fes­sion­al and an excel­lent one, too. If you like to have a coach help you dis­cov­er 'your date with fate,' she would be a great per­son to have in your cor­ner.'

'Sal­ly is an absolute mar­vel in the field of rela­tion­ships and dat­ing. I wit­nessed her incred­i­ble insights and exper­tise first­hand at a recent work­shop, and can give glow­ing tes­ti­mo­ny to the impact she had on those who sought her advice. With laser-like pre­ci­sion and com­pas­sion that is sec­ond-to-none, peo­ple were tak­en gen­tly but deci­sive­ly to high­er lev­els of roman­tic self-expres­sion. If you feel stuck or over­whelmed with ANY rela­tion­ship issue, I rec­om­mend you seek coach­ing from Sal­ly — pron­to!'

'When I first met Sal­ly Lan­dau, I thought ‘dat­ing coach? Huh? Why would ANY­one need that?' And then I had my first ses­sion, and I was hooked. She's insight­ful, wit­ty and present. I nev­er thought I'd be admit­ting this, but not only is there much to learn from Sal­ly about dat­ing and rela­tion­ships, she actu­al­ly made me real­ize it can be fun!'

Enter­ing the world of online dat­ing and rela­tion­ships can be hard and con­fus­ing and scary … Let me help guide you

Welcome to! Meet dating singles in Chico, CA and areas nearby (50 miles). View and chat with local dating profiles and personals on our 100% free Chico dating site or use the links below to view nearby single men and women elsewhere in California. is a 100% free online dating site. Register for a free account, signup only takes seconds!
Click here to sign up!

Welcome! Are you single in Chico? Try us out, we are a 100% free dating site in Chico. We are not a paid dating site, so you have nothing to lose. We have fun features for singles, including forums, live chat, video chat, games, dating guides and more.

, United States
I live in Chico and I'm newly single and looking to have fun and hangout with new people. I love all kinds of music I have a really good job and I love anything to do with Outdoors but I also like sta..

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Busy man wanting to find some fun in this crazy town. I enjoy herb, a sense of humor, outdoors, indoors and everything in between. Educated without being a know it all. I like space, warmth and kinkie..
Chicomanlooking 47

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I guess k could say im a philosophical nerd lol idk iv benmen search for me but idk wtf im talkin about i had a master thibgs gappened now m lost just wanting to b idk id like to just feel sonething a..
Sissynimbus 26

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I Stay up on the news.It's sad times for America. I enjoy barbecues and fellowship times with men friends. Enjoy the river,was raised fishing. I do restaurants alot. Some TV programs I enjoy. I'm simp..
Jimcyn 61

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Hello there, and thank you for reading my page..I do not feel it is wise, or fun, or productive to live alone, so I want an attractive, mobile, sexy girlfriend to experience activities, trips, ni..
Opportunityadventure 69

Last Login: 2 months ago
, United States
Hey looking for kind, caring, patient mature man to get to know & see if it's meant to go further (serious relationship) I love children, all of mine are grown & moved out so if you have kids it's a ..
DabbinSweetie 49

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I work full time in the medical field in a pretty serious job so when I'm home or out I wanna have fun!! I date occasionally but I'm in no position to make a commitment to anyone at this point in ..
Sabrina7272 41

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I am a transgender female who is a kind, sweet person. I want to make sure I am honest with everyone from the start. I am looking for some chat and getting to know other people. I'm looking for someth..

Online Dating Coach Chico California Today

Samantha125 46

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Sexy open minded couple looking for some exciting f*ck friend to explore new kinky adventures keeping our sex life spiced with a curious play with others who aren't shy to try something new cause we o..
Cokloversn530 39

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm a good looking guy who just wants to have some fun I'm open-minded. I have a good sense of humor I like to laugh and make others laugh as well. I'll try almost anything once. I like riding motorcy..
Sidetrac23 32

Last Login: 1 month ago
East Gridley
, United States
Okay so about me. Hard working i love my job but i work A LOT. traveling 4 to 5 days a week i dont have a ton of free time, makes it hard to meet new people. I have been single now for about 8 month..
PrtyNyourPanties 43

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I was raised by a religious folks i have a good grip on reality values and I have faith I love smiling and being friendly I have been very blessed in the love friendship companions I know to be ..
markresare 61

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
What up everyone I'm here to make new friends aAnd have a good time with all of You like the outdoors as much as I do good hit me up sometime. Blah blah blah blah I don't need to go to words in he..
Dusty 38

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Just a normal guy from nor cal looking for some fun or maybe more depending on how we jive together so hit me up I'm easy to get along with so don't be shy I like the outdoors and all that but open fo..
dusty422 37

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I am a gentle person, but at times passion rules. I love the female body,mind and heart to explore. I am into Crafts, British motorcycles, powwows, walking on the sea shore with possibilty of on a moo..
Califhorney247 55

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Lady's I'm a fun guy I like to hangout have some fun I like to go for walks an travel I also like to stay at home an cuddle an spoil woman so any questions you might have just ask so but anyone just t..
Dave2882 49

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I ain't no weather man but you can expect more then a few inches.gootimes love to laugh. Travel everywhere. Love the mountains n hotels. I don't know what to put when it says 200 characters about ..
Pineapple2386 35

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
old dirt track racer still involved in stock racing. will do it till it is no longer fun (probably when they throw the dirt on me) i am spontaneous, one woman man, loyal, trusting to a fault, wh..
hiwaytow1 72

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Lately I've had a curiosity about what it would be like to make love to another man. I'm finding the thought a turn on. I'm not really to sure how to go about it. I'm open to try anything that doesn't..
Swabbybob 65

Last Login: 2 months ago
, United States
Ok 200 words? I think im a semi normal old guy looking for a good friend. Im not picky ! Just one old woman will do it for me. I am an active person with many interests, traveling, fishing, motorcyc..
Flowmaster 67

Last Login: 3+ months ago
South Yuba City
, United States
I an half Cherokee and half Sicilian,it makes things tough sometimes because one side loves unconditional the other side loves you until you blow it one time,that's it,I give everyone a chance judge n..
Luuuvz2Luuuv69 44

Last Login: 3+ months ago
South Yuba City
, United States
Hey I love romance holding hands im hard working fun loving willing to try many different things. I'm caring romantic and protective. I love making my special girl feel happy. Love cooking fishing mu..
nealo1 50

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I don't know why this is required it's kind of stupid to me. If I give you all the information about me here then we don't have nothing to talk about later so if you want to know more about me just as..
4realWomenOnly 37

Online Dating Coach Chico California Real Estate

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Yuba City
, United States
I enjoy going to the gym whenever I can, other than that I'm either playing videogames working on my car or with my brother and friends. I always try to spread positive vibes and make people laugh and..
Mcblakeyzz 23

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Yuba City
, United States
I'm very adventurous. Like being out hanging out going shopping. Very athletic person who like to watch sports i like watching basketball soccer and football. I like listening to different types of ..
Tbz_fracko 24

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Red Bluff
, United States
Me and my man are wanting to experience and were loking for a woman thats just looking to have some fun. Must be clean. 😜 We are super chill people we drink some times super laid back and just look..
Babygirl690 24

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm very active enjoy mountain biking, skiing boating,camping, traveling to new places, cruises. Enjoy all music , movies and sports. I'm loving ,honest , very affectionate and committed. I own ..
Chrisnorcal 56

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Just a regular dude, looking for people to hang out with me and my boyfriend. Nothing complicated though. I'm pretty drama free. He's an drama queen. I like to travel see things I've never seen, he li..
Chickencoop 42

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm a city boy that moved to the country 6 yrs. Ago. and love it. BEFORE YOU CLICK OFF know that I'm honest and faithful My days are pretty laid back. I'm retired and love to restore old cars. Cookin..
PJ 58

Last Login: 1 week ago
, United States
Donniedoit 51

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Just looking for someone to hang out with maybe go out to dinner and a movie coffee or drinks maybe Netflix and chill and I don't know what else to say!! ! I hate filling out these stupid things....
Hvman81 39

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
I'm masculine, cool, fun, easy going, outgoing and spontaneous. I'd like to meet a guy who I can spend time getting to know, do fun activities with and see where it goes from there, one step at a time..
Eclectic 41

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Grass Valley
, United States
Love the outdoors, going to the river, 420 friendly, love to make people laugh. I have Tattoos, and open to new experiencing new things. Might be getting older lol, but young at heart, love to play..
Bobd72 48

Last Login: 3+ months ago
Grass Valley
, United States
40 yrs old single guy with great sense of humor and huge c*ck. Wanting to find a sexy girl or girls to hang out with and make memories. Or movies if your down?! f*ck pretty much down for anything that..
Jamie530 42

Last Login: 3+ months ago
, United States
Married white male looking for fun on the side nsa. Clean, caring normal guy looking for you! Workout. enjoynoutdooEd , music and sexy people. Usually free during the weekdays so I hope that works for..
Racep1 63

Last Login: 3+ months ago

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